A simple step by step guide on how to accurately measure your existing kitchen cornice, plinths & pelmets to ensure you order the right size for your replacement kitchen

But what is a cornice, plinth and pelmet? 

Cornice: The decorative trim at the very top of your units, this comes in all different shapes and sizes such as a traditional curve or as simple as a thin bit of plinth laid flat. This is a kitchen accessory that is used to finish the look of the kitchen. In other words it is the cherry on top. 
Plinth: A plinth is also known as a kickboard, it is the panel which goes underneath your kitchen doors/ units which cover the legs and stops things from getting lost underneath. 
Pelmet: These are similar to cornice but for the underside of wall cabinets. Multi-rail is often used for this or a plinth laid flat to give a thin trim to finish off the look.

Measuring The Cornice, Plinth & Pelmet

Step 1: Take your measuring tape and measure the accessory you wish to replace/add - Measure in millimetres
Step 2: Note down the length of each run
Step 3: Add up the sizes you have written down and add 20% for allowance
Step 4: Divide by the size of our plinth in the range you wish (2745mm/2540mm)
Step 5: This will give you the number of plinths you need to order, if the number is over a whole number you will need to order the next whole number up
E.g. I have measured 3 lengths of plinth runs, each being 2000mm
3 x 2000 = 6000
+ 20% = 7200
7200 / 2745 = 2.62
I will need to order 3 lengths of plinth


  • Always note down the measurement after taking it
  • Double check your measurements - As the saying goes, measure twice cut once


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